About Me

I believe all mothers genuinely want the best for their children. They will do everything in their power for their children, and give their all so that their children can have every advantage.

Yet different mothers have different aptitudes and interests.

Some mothers love cooking, or are really into nutrition. They prepare all their kids' meals or assiduously read the food labels to make sure their kiddos are getting all the nutrients their little bodies need, and none of the bad stuff.

Other mothers are super stylish and spend a lot of effort on maintaining a great wardrobe for their kids that enables them to be perfectly and tastefully turned out on every occasion.

And then, there are mothers like me.

What I care MOST about is what goes into my kids' MINDS. Frankly, I want to have the option to compare and choose the books, the curriculum, and the assignments that *I* believe my kids should study in order to realize their full creative and academic potential. I want them to have efficient, individualized attention in each subject, by someone who knows them inside out and their idiosyncratic ways of learning.

To know what it feels like for someone like me to send her kids to school, ask yourself how would it feel for Nutrition Mom if she was forced to let her kids eat only what was available from the school canteen? Or how would it feel for Stylish Mom if she was forced to let someone else choose what her kids wore every time they wanted to go out?

They'd be like "that is MY jurisdiction"!

I'm sure there must be other mothers like me out there! They might not imagine that they have any other choice. It's my hope that my blog reaches them and that it might spark some interest into this alternative educational choice called homeschooling ^_^

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